Writing portfolio

I’ve been writing about consumer electronics for over 25 years. During that time, I have written about computers, cameras, camcorders, photo printers, and more. My work has been praised by tech columnists in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Sun-Times, and San Francisco Chronicle.

  • Product review: Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 II

    This is a full-length, in-depth review of a flagship camera, with a full technical evaluation and sample video shot using Log profiles.

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  • Buying guide: Best easy-to-use cameras

    At Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com) I managed the creation and maintenance of over thirty buying guides, which helped visitors pick the best cameras and lenses for their need or budget.

    Read the buying guide

  • Feature article: Evolving my system for a trip to the Galapagos

    I wrote many informative “light” pieces for both DPReview and my own website (dcresource.com) prior to that. In this article, I’m telling a story about an upcoming trip to the Galapagos Islands and how I went about choosing the gear that I’m (still) planning to bring with me.

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  • Hands-on: OM System (ex-Olympus) Tough TG-7

    “Hands-on” slideshows are a staple of product launches on DPReview. Here is a recent one I created for a waterproof camera. All product photos are my own.

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  • Feature article: The ups and downs of running DCResource.com

    Published on DPReview, this is the story of what it was like running my own digital camera site for fifteen years.

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